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How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions Are Necessary? A Guide

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How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions Are Necessary? A Guide

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments. Many men and women grow tired of shaving, plucking, threading, or waxing, which makes laser hair removal extremely appealing. The results can be permanent but multiple treatment sessions are needed.

This guide will explain the concept of laser hair removal, how many treatments are necessary, and how to prep your clients for optimal results.

Laser Hair Removal Sessions

So, how many laser hair removal treatments do you need to give your clients? The answer varies based on what area is treated and the laser system in use. 

Laser hair removal can treat:

  • Armpits
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Upper lip 
  • Chin
  • Legs
  • Neck
  • Shoulders

The number of laser hair removal sessions needed can range from as few as two to as many as six, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Laser Hair Removal: The Initial Consultation

Most aestheticians will begin with an initial consultation before treatment to ascertain whether someone is a good candidate for laser hair removal. Folks with dark hair and light skin are ideal candidates for laser hair removal, but advances in technology have widened the number of people who can benefit from laser hair removal.

During this consultation, review the person’s medical history, including any medication they may be taking, history of skin disorders, the presence of scarring, and the results of previous hair removal procedures. Make sure to manage expectations by explaining what laser hair removal can and can’t do, how many treatments are needed for optimal cosmetic results, any potential side effects, and the cost. Also point out that laser hair removal is not covered by insurance. Finally, you will take photos for before-and-after assessments. This will allow patients to fully appreciate results over time.

Laser Hair Removal: The Procedure

During each treatment, you and the patient must wear special goggles to protect the eyes. Due to the risk of discomfort, you may choose to apply a topical anesthetic to the area being treated. It can take up to one hour for a numbing gel to start to work.

Some lasers comprise cooling tips to numb the skin as the laser passes over the treatment site, so you may not need an anesthetic.

Each device comes with its own user guide and instructions. In general, the laser is passed over the hair follicles. It feels like a rubber band is being snapped against the skin. The laser vaporizes the hair, which may cause smoke and a sulfur-like smell.

Treatment time is based on which part or parts of the body you are treating. For example, treating the upper lip takes minutes, while treating the back or legs may last more than an hour. There may be discomfort, redness, or swelling after laser hair removal. There shouldn’t be any downtime associated with these side effects. Most people can go right back to their daily activities following a laser hair removal session.

How to Prepare Your Clients for a Laser Hair Removal Session

Laser hair removal is a relatively simple procedure but explaining the various steps before you begin can put your patients at ease. 

What to Do Before Laser Hair Removal

Before a laser hair removal session, advise your patients to:

  • Shower or bathe. You should still clean the treatment area before treatment. 
  • Avoid using lotions, oils, or fragrances to prevent skin irritation. Some medications and skin care products can make the skin photosensitive. Make sure patients are aware that antibiotics and products containing retinoids are more likely to cause this problem.
  • Shave. Shaving before starting treatment can reduce irritation.

What to Do During Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal is scheduled at regular intervals, typically once every 4 to 6 weeks.

When discussing how many laser hair removal treatments are necessary, make sure to tell an individual that there is a range and that maintenance treatments down the road may also be needed. 

During the course of laser hair removal treatment, it’s important to:

  • Avoid Plucking/Waxing. Laser hair removal only works when there is a hair to be targeted. 
  • Refrain from other cosmetic procedures. Microdermabrasion, dermal fillers, and Botox Cosmetic should be avoided for at least two weeks after treatment.
  • Avoid tanning for 14 days post-treatment. Make sure to recommend wearing a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF when going out into the sun.

Managing Expectations

Discuss how many sessions for laser hair removal may be required in advance to manage patients’ expectations. Point out that the number of laser hair removal sessions needed depends on the part of the body being treated, the laser device used as well as individual characteristics such as skin and hair type. Due to the coarse hair, additional sessions may be required for women with hormonal hair growth. Also, remind patients that hair doesn't fall out immediately. Patience is important as it takes time for hair to shed.

How Many Sessions for Laser Hair Removal Are Necessary? 

Technology has come a long way, and today’s devices can deliver noticeable hair removal faster than ever before. Most clients will have questions about laser hair removal and how many sessions are needed to complete the process. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Different parts of the body, laser type, effectiveness, and individual characteristics such as hair and skin type all influence how many sessions are needed to maximize results.

How Many Laser Sessions Do You Need?

Exactly how many sessions a patient needs, is based on the location of the hair, skin tone, hair color, and hair texture. As previously noted, most people will need multiple sessions. Treatments should be spaced out according to hair growth cycles. 

Treating one area to achieve permanent hair loss can take nine to 12 months.

Every part of the body has different hair growth cycles, which is why the hair on the back usually grows slower than the hair on the head. Upper lip treatments may have four- to eight-week growth cycles, whereas back hair can take up to 16 weeks to grow.

In addition to explaining how many sessions for hair removal are recommended, suggest one or two maintenance sessions a year after finishing treatment to maintain benefits.

Types of Laser

Various types of lasers are used with laser hair removal – the most common are the alexandrite, diode, Neodymium YAG, and intense pulsed light sources. 

Alexandrite Lasers

The Alexandrite laser system can cover large treatment areas quickly. For example, it typically takes up to one hour of treatment time to complete the back, but with an Alexandrite laser, it may take only 30 minutes. The latest models have adopted built-in cooling machines to improve patient comfort and experience. Alexandrite lasers produce shorter wavelengths of 755 nm, which is ideal for people with lighter skin tones. By contrast, using lasers with longer wavelengths will provide deeper skin penetration but absorb less of the hair pigment. These lasers are recommended for patients with darker skin and require more sessions.

Popular Alexandrite laser brands include Gentlelase, Candela, and Epitouch Plus.

Diode Lasers

Diode lasers use semiconductors to produce wavelengths ranging from 800 nanometers (nm) to 810 nm. The longer wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin, making them ideal for darker-skinned patients. Diode lasers are also more effective for handling thick, coarse hair, which is why it's also a popular choice for men seeking chest or back hair removal.

Common Diode lasers include Epistar, Apex, and Mediostar.

Neodymium YAG or Nd:Yag Lasers

Nd: Yag lasers are workhorses because they can be used for hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, and tattoo removal. Nd: Yag Lasers produce wavelengths of 1064 nm. Other lasers target melanin (a broad term for pigments or colors) in hair and skin. Unfortunately, targeting melanin makes removing hair from patients with darker skin tones difficult.

Nd: Yag lasers use a carbon chromophore, with a carbon lotion applied to the skin before treatment. The body hair absorbs the carbon. Since these laser systems target carbon, not melanin, they’re well-suited for people with darker skin tones.

Some of the most popular Nd:Yag laser systems include Lyra, Sciton, Cutera, and Cynosure.

Get High-Quality Laser Hair Removal Systems with MRP 

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment for men and women due to its long record of safety and efficacy. There are many options to choose from, including popular Alexandrite, Diode, or IPL laser systems. At MRP, we provide new and used laser systems complete with warranties. Get the devices you need to deliver state-of-the-art treatments to your clients today. To learn more, contact MRP now.